Join legislators, partners, and community members for an in-person conversation about funding climate infrastructure in VT and take part in …
Join legislators, partners, and community members for an in-person conversation about funding climate infrastructure in VT and take part in …
Join us on Thursday, February 27th for an evening of readings, conversation and activations around the future we want for our city.
February’s speaker event features New Jersey’s Chief Resilience Officer, Nick Angarone, discussing NJDEP’s latest efforts to help communitie…
The NJ Atlas of Disaster Monthly Briefing will focus on providing exclusive updates on Rebuild by Design’s NJ Atlas of Disaster and our rela…
Join local and national partners to explore innovative solutions for building resilience in Vermont. Through case studies and in-depth discu…
Join us for a thought-provoking virtual event as we explore how Miami can draw inspiration from Rainproof NYC to tackle the increasing chall…
Details: Friday, September 27, 2024, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PMRebuild by Design | 20 Cooper Sq, New York, NY, 10003 (Google Maps Pin)RSVP Here>&…
Climate change is impacting our lives. Is the 2024 election reflecting our reality?
Join us for a deep dive on the intersection of electi…
Wednesday, September 18, 2024 | 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
All journalists welcome!
As extreme weather continues to impact the U.S., Rebuil…
For the past six months, residents, nonprofits, government agencies, community organizations, universities, and the private sector have been…
Rainproof NYC invites you to a virtual sessions to hear what the working groups are considering and give them crucial feedback before the re…
Join us for an exploration into NYC’s landscape history with Eric W. Sanderson Vice President for Urban Conservation Strategy at the New Yor…
Rainproof NYC invites you to two sessions to hear what the working groups are considering and give them crucial feedback before the recommen…
Join us for a book talk on author Rosetta S. Elkin’s recently published "Landscapes of Retreat." Elkin will share insights from her book, fe…
Responding to Hurricane Sandy and many events of heavy rain, the City of Hoboken has reimagined its public space to add acres of resilience …
Can New York City become Rainproof? Cities like Copenhagen and Amsterdam, which face similar increases in heavy rainfall, have implemented u…
Join the Institute for Public Knowledge for a book talk on The Heat Will Kill You First: Life and Death on a Scorched Planet with the author…
Join Rebuild by Design in partnership with the New York Disaster Interfaith Services, NYC VOAD, and the NYC Mayor’s Office of Faith-based &a…
ESI Climate Justice Program Public Launch; Keynote Roundtable: Building an Infrastructure of Climate Justice—Energy Democracy, Disaster Disp…
Celebrate the publication of Susan Crawford’s brilliant and illuminating new book, Charleston: Race, Water, and the Coming Storm. Crawford w…
How will climate change radically transform our lives? How has climate change already influenced where people will live and where people wil…
Bloomberg: Storms, earthquakes, flooding. More extreme weather is putting pressure on aging infrastructure in big cities, where 68% of the w…
National Parks Conservation Association with Rebuild by Design and Rise 2 Resilience held a virtual workshop to strengthen your comment writ…
Join Rebuild by Design and partners for a briefing on the nationwide fundings from our recently released report, Atlas of Disaster, and reco…
October 29th marks the 10th Anniversary of Hurricane Sandy – an occasion to reflect on all that has happened since the storm devastated our …
A Green New Deal for the FDR Fall Series 2022 – Sustainability and Infrastructure.
Feature Project: East Side Coastal Resiliency …
Join us for a conversation with leading designers and innovators who are rethinking how the New York City region can advance comprehensive, …
RSVP is required. Please RSVP here.
NYU’s Institute for Public Knowledge invites you to a book talk on Soaking the Middle Class: …
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
2:00–3:00 Eastern | 1:00–2:00 Central | 12:00–1:00 Mountain | 11:00–12:00 Pacific
Register Now | Add to …
Targeted toward NYC faith communities of all traditions, this event will explore the role of faith communities in community resilience, and …
In September 2021, Hurricane Ida barreled across the Caribbean and the U.S., causing $75 billion in damage and shocking New York City as 3 i…
As New York City honors the 10-year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy and the government pivots from evaluating climate risk to developing a co…
Tuesday, September 20th | 3:30-5:00PM (Attendees access from 3:15PM)
The program session will focus on how to engage citizens in creating…