Housing And Climate Change

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

2:00–3:00 Eastern | 1:00–2:00 Central | 12:00–1:00 Mountain | 11:00–12:00 Pacific

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James Elliott

Max Besbris

Amy Chester

Ivis Garcia Zambrana




James Elliott, Rice University
Max Besbris, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Amy Chester, Rebuild by Design
Ivis Garcia Zambrana, Texas A&M University

In recent years, natural disasters driven by climate change have led to increased residential instability and related housing challenges. In this webinar, experts James Elliott of Rice University, Max Besbris of the University of Wisconsin–Madison, Amy Chester of Rebuild by Design, and Ivis Garcia Zambrana of Texas A&M University will describe how disasters in and around the United States and related recovery efforts can potentially worsen existing inequalities. The presenters will also discuss the development of climate-resilient housing recovery and relocation policies designed to mitigate financial and social costs of climate-related disasters.
