
SCAPE / Landscape Architecture New York Jamaica Bay is one of the nation’s most urbanized estuaries -a low coastal elevation zone with a h…
Sasaki/Rutgers/Arup New Jersey The Inland Bay is the most complex region of the New Jersey shore, where a legacy of industrial uses, dense…
Sasaki/Rutgers/Arup New Jersey The Headlands are the most exposed stretch of the New Jersey shore, with open ocean views and direct wind a…
Sasaki/Rutgers/Arup New Jersey The Barrier Islands are the most responsive stretch of the New Jersey shore, constantly shifting with the e…
PennDesign/OLIN Bronx, New York Winning Project $20M PennDesign / OLIN with HR&A Advisors, eDesign Dynamics, Level Infrastructure, B…
OMA New York “Communicating a common understanding of resiliency” Challenges are posed to communications before, during, and after a fl…
OMA New York “Growing to a more resilient city” JFK International Airport is a vital node in the regions infrastructure. As part of Jam…
OMA New York “Making smart decisions on where to grow resiliently” To support the future growth of the region, in a flood risk constrai…