June 3, 2016
9:15 am – 7:00 pm
Rebuild by Design
20 Cooper Square
New York, NY
United States
You are invited to celebrate and reflect with Rebuild by Design on Friday, June 3rd from 9:15a – 7:00p. This day will look back at the two years since the announcement of the Rebuild by Design Competition results and reconnect the Rebuild network, new and old, as we continue to move forward.
During the morning, representatives from NYS, NYC, NJ, CT and design team members will share updates on the status of each project. The afternoon will be broken into sessions and moderated discussions on lessons learned, challenges to implementation, best practices in community engagement and capturing helpful lessons for other cities as they embark on resilience projects. The day will conclude with a toast to our collective accomplishments.
If you have any questions emailinfo@rebuildbydesign.org. Thank you and we hope to see you on June 3rd!