This month, Rebuild launched a resident-focused design process with the city of Boulder that will bring experts and residents together to reimagine the Ponderosa Mobile Home Park. This is a place where infrastructure investment is needed, and the City is dedicated to acquiring and rebuilding the site with a goal of creating a net-zero energy and resilient mobile home park while not displacing the existing residents.
The City plans to acquire the land this summer using CDGB-DR funds allocated after the 2013 flood. With the help of technical experts and ideas from the residents, the City will undertake a two-stage process. The first stage will upgrade the existing infrastructure, which may include site design, roads, water, and sewer. The second stage will look to housing typologies to ensure the residents have resilient, sustainable, and affordable homes. In the end, the City’s ambition is for this process and outcome to become a model for other mobile home parks in Colorado and beyond.