Rebuild and partners hosted Resilience By Design University (RBD_U) in the Bay Area in October 2016. The first day brought together experts from our network and put them on focused panels with topics ranging from the meaning of resilience to understanding the challenges that work in this field poses. The second day, RBD_U challenged students and practitioners to solve complex real world problems for Oakland, San Francisco and the South Bay. 

Highlights included Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf keynote at Oakland City Hall, where she shared her vision for a Resilient Oakland with us, students proposing floodable transit in the South Bay to promote natural inland growth, and the participation of critical audience members throughout the weekend. As RBD_U continues to grow and travel, we will keep you in the loop and hope you can join us at future events. RBD_U Bay Area was organized by Rebuild by Design, California College of the Arts Architecture100 Resilient CitiesNew York University’s Institute for Public KnowledgePennDesign and San Jose State University. In case you missed it, you can view the presentations and see photos
