NBC: More than eight years after Superstorm Sandy pushed the Hudson River over its banks and left Hoboken residents without power or water for days, the New Jersey city officially kicked off a large-scale flood prevention project Thursday that it hopes will be a national model for combating the effects of climate change.
The $230 million project received approval in 2017 for funding by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development as part of its Rebuild By Design competition. The city spent three years reviewing alternatives before submitting its bid, which features bulkheads and flood walls, green infrastructure to absorb storm water, catch basins to hold it and improvements to the city’s sewer system to effectively discharge it.
“Given the impact of climate change, it’s not a question of if, but of when, Hoboken and this region will be struck by another severe storm,” former Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer, a driving force behind the plan, said Thursday. “Through the challenges, the people of Hoboken showed their true resilience, and we owe it to them to build a resilient city.” Read more>>