Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Littlefield Recital Hall
Arnold Bernhard Arts and Humanities Center (First Floor)
84 Iranistan Avenue, Bridgeport, CT
A Public Information Meeting for Resilient Bridgeport will be held at in the Littlefield Recital Hall of the Arnold Bernhard Arts & Humanities Center in Bridgeport, CT to provide an overview of the program as it launches into the next phase: environmental review and preliminary design for both the National Disaster Resilience (NDR) funded and Rebuild by Design (RBD) funded projects. Together, these investments will build the foundation for long-term economic, environmental and social resilience in the South End of Bridgeport. An open house session will be held from 6:00 – 7:00 PM, providing attendees an opportunity to speak one-on-one with representative from the Resilient Bridgeport Project team. A presentation will promptly follow at 7:00 PM and will provide detailed information on the Resilient Bridgeport Program and its transition from the Rebuild by Design funded planning phase to the NDR funded implementation phase. More information about Resilient Bridgeport is available at