February 25, 2015
4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Atlantic City City Hall (Second Floor)
1301 Bacharach Boulevard
Atlantic City
United States
New Jersey is seeking public comment on its application for National Disaster Resilience Competition funding. The State’s proposal includes pilot programs to enhance resilience in vulnerable riverside locations, including parts of the New Meadowlandsproject. New Jersey is one of 67 eligible applicants in the $1 billion national competition.
Offer your input to the State Department of Environmental Protection at public hearings on February 24 in Little Ferry and February 25 in Atlantic City. Residents who need accessibility accommodations are advised to contact DEP at Kerry.Pflugh@dep.nj.govto ensure full availability of services.
Comments can be submitted by email ndrcpubliccomments@dep.nj.gov or via post to Dave Rosenblatt, Director, Office of Flood Risk Reduction Measures, 501 East State Street, Mail Code 501-01A, P.O. Box 420, Trenton, NJ 08625-0420. All comments must be received by the close of the public comment period, March 6, 2015at 5:00 p.m. EST.
For more information, visit the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.