Thursday, May 18
6:00 PM – 8:30 PM EDT
20 Cooper Square, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10003
We released the Rebuilding with Resilience Policy Report at our November Policy event in Washington, DC. Because of the tremendous feedback, we would like to continue that discussion in our region. This event will discuss the policy aspects of green infrastructure, regional coordination, coastal defenses and institutionalizing the projects.
– Venicia Lannon, State of New York
– Laura Munafo, State of New York
– Carrie Grassi, City of New York
– Jessica Grannis, Georgetown Climate Center
Speakers subject to change.ABOUT THE REPORT:
Hurricane Sandy Design Competition projects were selected to demonstrate innovative approaches for rebuilding communities affected by Hurricane Sandy in ways that will enhance physical, social, economic, and environmental resilience. Three years into implementation, these projects are providing important lessons about how officials at all levels of government can design and construct infrastructure projects that deliver multiple community benefits.
Rebuild partnered with the Georgetown Climate Center and Rockefeller Foundation to generate a report and event called Rebuild with Resilience: Lessons from the Rebuild by Design competition after Hurricane Sandy.
Read the Full Report | Read the Ten Key Takeaways | Presentations | Video of the Event