The next step is underway in the formal process that transfers federal disaster recovery funds to local governments for the Rebuild by Design projects. The Federal Register has published HUD’s Notice for the third tranche of Community Development Block Grants for Disaster Recovery to the Sandy region, an essential step in implementing the projects and will bring us closer to seeing these proposals become a reality.
Federal Register Notice Summary for Rebuild by Design Projects
Action Plan Process Flow for Rebuild by Design Projects
Each Rebuild by Design grantee (the States of NJ, NY, and CT + NYC) must now begin the process of amending their existing CDBG-DR Action Plan for Disaster Recovery to incorporate the projects and begin to draw down the federal funds that have been allocated. During this time, a minimum public comment period of 30 days is required before the grantees are able to submit their Action Plan Amendments to HUD. Rebuild by Design will be sure to keep you informed on how to participate.