Thursday October 11, 2018
6:30 p.m.
BRC Senior Services Center
30 Delancey Street (Between Chrystie & Forsyth Streets)
Manhattan, New York
NEW YORK CITY REVISES EAST SIDE COASTAL RESILIENCY PROJECTNew York City announced plans to revise the Eastside Coastal Resiliency Project by raising all 40 acres of the East River Park at the water’s edge instead of building protective barriers inland as originally proposed to the community. Total addition will cost is projected to be ~$700M. According to the City, this change will cut construction by six months, providing flood protection prior to the 2023 hurricane season. The park will be built to the same flood level as previously planned. This Thursday, the City will present on the East River Park Bulkhead Rehabilitation and the East Side Coastal Resilience Project at Community Board 3’s Parks, Recreation, Cultural Affairs, & Waterfront Committee.