technical assistance south bronx unite

In 2024, Rebuild By Design led a team of technical assistance providers to support South Bronx Unite as it developed an application for the EPA Community Change Grant. The grant envisions being a catalyst for a comprehensive waterfront plan that includes industry, recreation and flood protection.

The waterfront of the Mott Haven and Port Morris neighborhoods of the South Bronx is dominated by heavy industry including: a waste transfer station, peak power plants, FedEx distribution center, and Fresh Direct warehouse that sends 1,000 diesel truck trips per day through the neighborhood contributing to its high asthma rates. The Mott Haven-Port Morris Waterfront Plan was developed by community members to provide access to over 100,000 neighbors and mitigate air pollution and flood risk in the area and will transform an industrial waterfront into an activated space that improves quality of life for the neighborhood.

Rebuild By Design worked alongside One Architecture and Urbanism and E-Design Dynamics, and many other partners to support South Bronx Unite in their EPA Community Change grant application. 
