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Landscape Architecture Magazine: Between 2011 and 2023, more than 90 percent of the nation’s congressional districts had at least one county…
Harvard News: Sandy’s arrival in 2012 accelerated the search for water management solutions that combined gray and green approaches. This hy…
Geographical: The benefits of breeding oysters and better sewage- disposal practices have already changed the course of New York Harbor life…
Have an idea that tailors the Rainproof NYC recommendations to the unique needs of your community?
We are extending the deadline for our …
Bloomberg: Living Breakwaters, one of seven funded projects to emerge from the competition, addresses more than storm surge. It is designed …
The “Rainproofing New York City: Recommendations from the Working Groups,” report documents the recommendations that came out of the working…
Arch Daily: Superstorm Sandy inundated Lower Manhattan, causing billions in property and infrastructure damage. To protect against future fl…
The City: Less than a quarter-mile off Staten Island’s southernmost shore, eight rocky structures rise from the ocean and run parallel to th…
New York Daily News: Twelve years ago today, Superstorm Sandy made landfall and devastated New York City and surrounding communities. After …
MSN: NYC completed a major part of a storm protection project on Manhattan’s Lower East Side this week, at a time when natural disasters are…