Architectural Design: Our era of ecological resilience and ecocide requires much more holistic and inclusive thinking about social, civic space. Kate Orff outlines the proposal for Alameda Creek, whic…
eTropic: Analyzes the complexity of policy transfer processes in the context of contemporary policy making in response to climate change. The paper further examines what constitutes a successful polic…
Analysis of the translation process of 'polder' as it played out in Water as Leverage for Asian Cities, a Dutch urban design initiative that took place in Semarang. Translation as a processof negotiat…
Sustainability: Presents an analytical framework to study institutional capacity building by international resilience programs, focusing on intellectual, social and political capital. The central case…
Visual Communication: Presents and demonstrates an analytic framework that enables a systematic visual analysis of landscape design representations. The framework is demonstrated by using two projects…
Journal of Landscape Architecture: Focuses on how the concept of ‘resilience districts’ for urban areas vulnerable to coastal flooding can improve resilience of metropolitan areas. The paper details a…
Political Geography: Uses Foucaultian work on problematization to explore the urban resilience paradigm which emerged in the wake of 2012’s Hurricane Sandy, which dramatically disrupted New York City.…
Scenario Journal: Explores a series of board games the author produced over five years to help drive engagement, education, and decisions around climate resilience planning, including for the Resilien…
Journal of Urban Planning: Provides an overview of Rebuild’s projects and process.…
E3S Web Conference: Summarizes the different techniques available to tackling flooding, increased water demand, and a lack of wastewater treatment in the case of Semarang. Along with this a cost-benef…