Judy Huynh


Rebuild by Design was born out of Hurricane Sandy and is based in New York City. Much of our work is incubated at the city and state level, and then brought to communities around the world. Since New York is our hometown, we have done quite a bit of work incubating projects here that we

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New York City’s ‘Living Breakwaters’ Brace for Stormier Seas

Bloomberg: Living Breakwaters, one of seven funded projects to emerge from the competition, addresses more than storm surge. It is designed to slow currents flowing along the shore, which allows sand to accumulate, restoring the beach and replenishing plant and animal habitat. A new dune line is already forming, anchored by driftwood and new grasses.

New York City’s ‘Living Breakwaters’ Brace for Stormier Seas Read More »

Boundary spanning in design-led strategic spatial planning: lessons from post-Sandy rebuilding efforts

In complex area transformations, strategic planning tends to include a collaborative approach that invites a wide range of stakeholders. But because the perspectives and interests are diverse, partly conflicting, and dynamic, a unifying plan of action will not emerge without good process design and proper facilitation for dialogue. Designers are increasingly considered as helpful for

Boundary spanning in design-led strategic spatial planning: lessons from post-Sandy rebuilding efforts Read More »

Staten Island ‘Breakwaters’ Stand as Monument to Sandy and Speed Bump for Future Storms

The City: Less than a quarter-mile off Staten Island’s southernmost shore, eight rocky structures rise from the ocean and run parallel to the beach. Called Living Breakwaters, the project brings together natural processes and constructed techniques to weaken waves before they crash ashore and to lessen coastal erosion.

Staten Island ‘Breakwaters’ Stand as Monument to Sandy and Speed Bump for Future Storms Read More »
