Rebuild by Design invites you to participate in a one-day symposium sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Critical Resilient Interdependent Systems and Processes (CRISP) Program.
The symposium which will include the project external board review will consist of keynote talks, panel discussions, and technical presentations by invited experts and project team members. Topics include; exposure of physical infrastructure to natural hazards, human impacts, reconstruction efforts, and science of resiliency and recovery focusing particularly on the Island of Puerto Rico.
Please register to attend by September 15, 2019. You are welcome to share your research by submitting a 300 word abstract by the same date. Abstract submission and registration can be found here.
October 24, 2019: Symposium (All Participants)
October 25, 2019: Performance Review (Advisory board, PI’s and Senior Personnel)
The City College of New York, Shepard Hall, Room 107
160 Convent Avenue, New York, NY 10031