WXY/West 8
The Long Island Sound (Bridgeport – Providence) design opportunity is based around a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis and an integrated insurance program, where coverage can be bolstered by measures taken to avoid risk on regional levels is open. Storm mitigation enters the dialogue of a multi-level defense structure.
With a high percentage of single-family homes along the coasts of Connecticut and Long Island, many residents affected by Hurricane Sandy were faced with tough questions; elevate, rebuild, retreat? As annual insurance premiums spiked, and the costs of elevating homes became daunting, the need for a more comprehensive system of solutions becomes apparent. For the residents who must stay put, repeating the rebuilding process in the wake of another storm is not an option.
A comprehensive cost-benefit analysis for rebuilding is necessary to argue for a regional approach. As neighbors, towns, counties and states realize that they are seeking the same solution, the discussion of an integrated insurance program, where coverage can be bolstered by measures taken to avoid risk on regional levels is open. Storm mitigation enters the dialogue of a multi-level defense structure.