The New York Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery (GOSR) and the Project Team for Living Breakwaters provided the anticipated project timeline and an update to the Community Advisory Committee (CAC), which can be found on the GOSR website. The Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) is working with the State to advance the project through design and construction, advising on potential impacts and assisting with public outreach. Please see below for a short update:
The Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery (GOSR) anticipates the project located in Tottenville and granted up to $60 million for design and implementation, to be approximately 13,000 linear feet. Work in the water is already underway. This summer, The State of New York began collecting data and conducting surveys, which will inform the design of the project. An Adjacent Artificial Habitat survey that examined the marine wildlife and habitat in the water was completed, and geotechnical borings are currently in progress. In the fall, a set of Beach Profile surveys will be conducted, and Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP’s) that monitor ocean current velocities will be placed in the water.