NJ Biz: New Jersey Transit is moving forward with a Hurricane Sandy resilience project with a call for bids on the construction contract for Phase One of the Long Slip Fill and Rail Enhancement project adjacent to the Hudson Bergen Light Rail and Hoboken Yards.
The project will allow Transit to operate train service longer leading into, and to recover more quickly after, storms.
“Superstorm Sandy had a devastating impact on vulnerable areas of our transit system,” NJ Transit Executive Director Kevin Corbett said. “The storm’s aftermath taught us how critical it is to rebuild our infrastructure with resiliency firmly in mind. The Long Slip project will mean future storms will do far less damage. It also provides us the opportunity to construct new Americans with Disability Act (ADA)-accessible rail platforms well above surge levels that adds greater capacity at Hoboken Terminal, and further ensures the integrity of our transportation network following extreme weather events.”
The Long Slip on the Hudson River waterfront in Jersey City is a third of a mile, one hundred-foot wide canal alongside the tracks at Transit’s Hoboken Yards, formerly used for shipping traffic. The storm surge from Superstorm Sandy caused the long slip to overflow its banks resulting in significant flood damage to the yard and weeks of remediation. Read more>>