The Jeresulem Post: Climate change is with us, whether we wish it or not. The entire globe is warming up accompanied by extreme weathers, the likes of which we have never experienced: floods, the melting of ice at the North and South poles, extra high temperatures in the 40s Celsius, forest fires.

All of these, and more, are indications that the world we know is entering into a dangerous phase that if not acted upon speedily, could mean the death of our planet.

But there are positive responses, as the new exhibition at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art – “Solar Guerrilla: Constructive Responses to Climate Change” – attempts to show.

“It explores our relationship to the environment through a series of projects in the fields of architecture and design, art and craft,” says the curator, Maya Vinitsky.

According to the director of the museum, Tania Coen Uzzielli: “The exhibition showcases a series of interdisciplinary collaborations with a range of private and public institutions, commercial companies and professionals around the world.” Coen Uzzielli is concerned that the museum engages in the public debate of what is perhaps the most pressing issue of our time. The very name “Guerrilla” suggests that the exhibits are meant to be aggressive, if subversive. Read more>>
