The Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery and their partners hosted an informational open house for the Living Breakwaters and the Tottenville Shoreline Protection Projects this month. The public was invited to learn about, discuss, and contribute to coastal resiliency measures in progress for Tottenville, Staten Island. Rebuild by Design, the Billion Oyster Project, Tottenville Civic Association, Tottenville Historical Society, NY/NJ Bay Keeper, Wagner College, and NYC Parks, and other project partners set up tables at the open house to inform residents about their involvement in the project.
The 30% design is now undergoing 18 months of refinement, 60% design is the next milestone that the team is working towards. Simultaneously, GOSR and SCAPE are continuing to prepare a draft environmental impact statement for public comment and review early in 2017.
GOSR also is seeking permits from, among other regulators, the New York Department of Environmental Conservation, Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Coast Guard. Regulatory review and permitting will encompass two projects: the in-water, Living Breakwaters Rebuild by Design project and a separate GOSR project – the land-based Tottenville Shoreline Protection Project that Rising New York is designing and developing with separate funding.