The Living with the Bay team is finalizing program elements through a series of half-day on-site workshops with government officials from all six municipalities. Team members and officials are working together to identify critical locations for stormwater management and greenway continuity. These workshops have allowed the team to begin design development for the entire program’s area, from Hempstead Lake State Park in the north to Bay County Park in the south this fall.
The Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) has organized itself into three sub-committees: Technical (design and construction), Outreach and Social Resiliency. The CAC is developing an agenda for its third meeting, to be held in mid November. Inclusivity and representation are core principles for the CAC in developing the program. The Town of Hempstead has seen significant shifts in demographics in the region during the past decade and the CAC is seeking to reflect this in its advisory capacity.
Additionally, the Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery (GOSR) is working with six finalists for implementation of the Program’s social resiliency components to address educational and recreational components, job training, and continuing education opportunities that tie to the Program.