For the past four years, Living Breakwaters has undergone further stakeholder outreach, studies and scoping under the leadership of the Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery (GOSR), which is responsible for environmental review, decision-making, and action.  The environmental review process provides a means for decision-makers to systematically consider environmental effects along with other aspects of project planning and design, to evaluate reasonable alternatives, and to identify, and mitigate where practicable, any significant adverse environmental impacts.

GOSR issued a Draft Environmental Impact Statement in March 2016 for public review and comment.  After reviewing comments, a Final Environmental Impact Statement was issued on June 12, 2018, launching a 30-day public comment period that concludes on Monday, July 16, 2018. Following the public comment period, GOSR will issue a Record of Decision that will enable it to ask HUD to release funds for final design, permitting and construction of the Living Breakwaters Project. You can read the FEIS onlineby scrolling down to Rebuild by Design and clicking, Living Breakwaters and Tottenville Dunes Project FEIS (Final).

Rebuild by Design encourages you to support implementation of the Living Breakwaters Project by submitting a public comment to the Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery by either of the following means before 5 p.m. on Monday, July 16, 2018:

By email to:

In writing to:  

Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery

25 Beaver Street, 5th Floor

New York, NY 10004
