NJTV: Six years after Sandy, an ambitious plan is in place that would protect to protect Jersey City, Hoboken and Weehawken neighborhoods from again being inundated by storm surges.
Hoboken’s northern flood wall will start at Weehawken Cove. When Sandy surged into the vulnerable city six years ago — causing $100 million worth of damage — it was one of two places it breached the waterfront so engineers designed an elevated, park-like barrier. A more conventional flood wall will then follow Garden Street through an alley to Washington, and will feature retractable barriers. Some residents wonder about how the flood wall will change the character of the city.
“I think it’s hard to blend in a wall that’s going to go from up here all the way downtown. That’s something that, I think they’ll have to hire a really good architects or designers to try and design,” said Hoboken resident Annie Pak-Brenner. Continue reading>>