anuary 28, 2014
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Hunt’s Point Chamber of Commerce
940 Garrison Avenue
United States
THE POINT Community Development Corporation, Sustainable South Bronx, and the NYC Environmental Justice Alliance are hosting a Dinner Discussion and Workshop for the Rebuild by Design opportunity to build resilience into plans for Hunts Point. Help the PennDesign/OLIN design team imagine and plan new protections for the peninsula and develop fundable solutions to better protect residents from future climate events.
Hunts Point is the hub of the fresh food distribution network for New York City and the larger metro region, providing an economic engine and thousands of jobs in the South Bronx. The Hunts Point opportunity seeks to engage the communities and industrial businesses to develop site-specific designs for integrated storm protection and green infrastructure that offer high quality social space, habitat and clean water.
Tell us how you would strengthen our coastline and bring new jobs to Hunts Point
Share your visions for a new, more resilient Hunts Point waterfront
Childcare, dinner, and Spanish-language translation will be provided