The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) invites the communities of Jersey City, Hoboken and Weehawken to upcoming Design Zone Workshops on the Rebuild by Design – Hudson River Project. All are welcome!
These workshops will focus on designs for Harborside park (the alignment in the North end of the project area from the border of Weehawken, through Harborside Park, to the intersection at 15th Street and Garden Street). Please note: the same materials will be shown both evenings.
February 4, 2019
Workshop on Design Zone 2: Harborside Park
Multi-Service Center Community Room
124 Grand Street
Hoboken, NJ
At this meeting you will:
* Be updated on preferences for characteristics and amenities that emerged from community input during the first round of Design Zone Workshops;
* Be updated on the design approach for Harborside Park in Design Zone 2;
* Provide input on the look and feel of design concepts for Harborside Park in Design Zone 2.
For a map of the zones please place the following link in your browser:
The Rebuild by Design – Hudson River Project is a comprehensive urban floodwater management strategy to reduce the flood risk from storm surge and rainfall flood events to flood prone areas within the Project Area, which comprises the entire City of Hoboken, and adjacent areas of Weehawken and Jersey City. The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded $230 million to the State of New Jersey for the Project, which includes the design and environmental impact analysis of the overall comprehensive master plan of the entire project (including the Resist and Delay, Store, Discharge components) and funding for the construction of the Resist components (coastal storm surge projects).